So, What Do You Like to Sing?

I'm sure all musicians get this question, and those of us who perform mainly cover songs probably get it more than most! Fact is, that's one of the reasons I gravitated to cover bands in the first place. There's so much great material out there that I hate to choose! When I was a kid, my favourite singer, the one I wanted to emulate, was Linda Ronstadt. She wasn't the absolute best at anything, but it seemed like she sounded "right," whether she was singing country or jazz or pop, or even operetta. And that's what transfixed me. I wanted to be able to do a creditable job of every single vocal style I tried. I think I've done a pretty good job at that. In the last week, I've sung jazz standards, alt-country, disco, washy/sexy background vocals, motown and rock & roll with various bands (who keep calling me to come back!) and I love every minute of it. What do I like best, though? I still don't have a good answer. I love singing dis...