Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! A lot has happened since my last entry - it turns out that running an Indiegogo campaign is kind of a full-time job! It was great, though - and not just because we made our goal... It put me back in touch with friends I hadn't talked to in over 20 years, and reminded me again of the power of music to move people. I feel so incredibly lucky to have the people in my life that I have. My band is made up of some of the most generous, talented, supportive human beings a person could imagine. My friends and family have done so much for me in a pretty difficult time, and have stepped up in every possible way to help. My employers are gracious and helpful - even though I haven't been working for them for very long - and my students are by turns adorable, challenging, and inspirational. The album is going to be great. We have all the tracks in the can and now we're just polishing. (Well, and mixing, mastering, manufacturing, distributing, negotiating...