Balancing Act(s) - Making a Living Making Music

I'm pretty lucky. I get to make my living doing the thing that I'm most passionate about: making music. I can finally say that again, and it feels really good. So please don't take what's about to come as any indication that I don't like my job(s), because I do. About 80% of the time, I would even say I love it (and that's a pretty great place to be)! I do have a bit of a pet peeve, however, and it's this quote: Because it's a load of hooey and those of us who work in the entertainment industry know it. Yes, we do what we love. Yes, we are aware that this fact makes us extremely lucky. Doing a job one loves, for a living, is the fantasy of many, many people, who don't get to spend every day working on their passion. But the key word here is, in fact, still working . We work (and work hard!) every day. I, for one, average 50-60 hours a week. I love performing, and I love teaching. But both of those things require a great deal of prep w...