Singers Unite! (Singers/Vocalists as Musicians)

There is a pervasive prejudice in the greater musical community that I feel the need to address. It's not a racial thing or a sexist thing (although those definitely exist in the music community as everywhere, and they do tend to amplify the problem) but since we, as musicians, are a comparatively small group in the larger scheme of things, it doesn't get much publicity. But I've seen it continue unchecked throughout my entire career, and no one seems to be calling it out, so I will. I've heard it in no uncertain terms from many musicians who I (up until they said it) respected. I've seen (and been hurt by) the effects of it, in situations where I didn't get a job or a performance opportunity that I was uniquely qualified for, or in musical activities where I was actively or passively discouraged from participating. As with many prejudiced beliefs, this one tends to blame the "victim" and claim that "if "they" would only do (whatever)...