I Wish I Could Sing, but....

... I can't carry a tune in a bucket.

... my voice just sounds so terrible.

... I have to be really drunk, first.

It makes me sad, frankly, to think that so many people will never know the sheer, unadulterated joy of singing out as loudly as they want to, for whomever may be in the vicinity, unselfconsciously and just because it feels good. And baby, it feels GOOD.

So what makes us believe we can't sing, and what can we do about it?

I believe music - making it as well as simply enjoying it - is as vital as physical activity to keep us sane and healthy. Imagine if we thought of exercise the same way we think about singing.

I, for example, am pretty clumsy and have no hand/eye coordination, short legs and no gift at any sport I've ever tried. I'm not fast, I'm not terribly strong, and while I'm pretty competitive, that part of my nature is more directed at board games than field games.  But I know that being physically active is good for me, that sports can be fun whether I'm any good at them or not, and that I will be in a much better position to enjoy my life if I get off my butt and do some yoga or go swimming or join my friends for some frisbee.

It's true. Most of us will never be good enough singers to make any portion of our living at it. The thing is, that's okay! It's not about being great at it. It's about enjoying it. It's about participating in making music, and allowing ourselves to express ourselves in a way we maybe haven't  tried since we were kids.

If it helps to take some lessons - to improve your ear, or your tone or your confidence, go to it! It's no different than hiring a trainer to improve your physique.  Join a choir (just like the gym!) But most importantly, sing! Sing in the car, sing in the shower, sing around the campfire, sing at karaoke... sing.

We all know how this one goes, right?

Sing a song... don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song!


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