Starting Here, Starting Now

So here we are, 2 weeks after arriving in Portland. I've been busy unpacking and organizing, setting up my office (otherwise known as the back half of the bedroom!) and setting myself random errands to run with the intention of starting to figure out how to get around this new city, in which I've hardly driven at all. (Adam knew his way around, so I mainly just "passengered.") 
The list is extremely long of all the things we need to to - moving to another country is not for the faint of heart, people! Car stuff, drivers' licence stuff (which are 2 separate tasks), healthcare stuff, taxation stuff, cell phones and mailing lists and subscriptions, the list goes on...
Not to mention the entirely different (but just as long) list of all the professional things we have to do: we have a record tracked and waiting for editing and production, websites, update contact information on, well, everything, get a job, (and probably another job), make a plan for private lesson space. It can get overwhelming and I'm always looking for the little lined notebook I have all the lists in.
Nonetheless, we are thrilled to have finally got started on this adventure, and for the next phase of our lives to get underway. Yay us! 
...Now can I have a nap?


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