A Fabulous Night in Vancouver BC!

JPJQ's CD Release Party in Vancouver BC was a big success and a fantastic time!

We spent a week in Vancouver, catching up with old friends, rehearsing, recording, (and even taught a few lessons!) and finally playing this amazing show before heading back home to Portland... it was wonderful. The Fox Cabaret were such welcoming hosts, and I couldn't have asked for a better lineup of bands.

JPJQ Team Vancouver (+2) was up first, playing selections from the I Want Love album - not enough time to do it all, on a 3 band bill - and it went really well! It was such a joy to be back playing with the people who made the album possible in the first place, and to see so many of our friends out enjoying the show (and on a "school night," even!) 
The guys sounded great and the horns were hotter than the stage lights - Thank you all so much!

Following JPJQ was the wonderful Jen Lewin Band (of which I was a member, many moons ago - Jen even had me sing along on one of her tunes. I'm so glad that she's back playing her originals; they are just so beautiful, and I hope she finishes her record soon so you can all hear it! 

Finally, Benton Roark and the Rollaway All-Stars (yes, that's right, I even had a costume change - you can take the girl away from the theatre...) rocked the house with some of the Rollaway classics, and some awesome new tunes featured on his soon-to-be-released album "Deep in the Pocket and Still No Change." This is the album that Adam and I did some tracking on while we were in town and it's going to be a knockout! You can pre-purchase and help make the album a reality by supporting him at:

Then it was back to Oregon and our new apartment (and teaching studio) in Beaverton (SW Portland suburb) to get settled in, and get ready for a big summer of gigs and teaching! I'm playing almost every weekend this summer with Martin Henry and Freedom Street, and we have a gig at the Gresham Arts Center with JPJQ August 15th. In the meantime, there's still plenty of time to entertain at the new digs, and (finally) get caught up with all the website updates and so on!

Hope your summer is beautiful!


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