A Fantastic Beginning... Now What?

Last week, we launched our Indiegogo Campaign, and we couldn't be happier with the response we've seen so far. Lots of people have been coming out of the woodwork to help us make this record a reality. I'm thrilled! In our first week "live" we've managed to raise more than half of our stated funding goal. It's pretty encouraging, but now the hard part begins. Our parents and closest friends have already contributed, so what do we do now? How do you keep up that kind of momentum?

I'm seriously asking. I don't know. I have limited control over who actually even sees my Facebook updates - which is the "social media" format I'm most familiar with - and I resist the idea of spending my own cash (or worse, the cash of our early investors) to "boost" posts.

Should I run a contest? There's apparently a way on Indiegogo to track who refers people to your page, and if they wind up investing, the referrer gets "credit" for that contribution. What do you think people would like to win? And is there some way to reward people for "liking" posts (or our facebook page) and "sharing" and commenting on our Campaign Page? What seems reasonable? I really need people to widen our circle of influence, but I don't want to spend our investors' money to do it. On the other hand, I know that no advertising is really "free."

I don't have the answers, here, and I'd love any suggestions or feedback you may have! Of course, I'd also love it if you "liked" JPJQ's Facebook Page, "liked and/or shared" any videos or photos on there, and visited our campaign page, commented in the Comments Section, and shared the link to the page among your own friends.

You could even win a prize (once I figure out what the prize should be)!



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