Hello, Indiegogo!

So I've got the blog. I've got multiple webpages. I've got Facebook pages for me, my band, and our music school. I'm on LinkedIn and G+ and Twitter (and I'm trying to keep everything updated, with varying levels of success). Then we decided to do a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for our new album.

Setting up the actual Indiegogo campaign was pretty easy, actually. They have lots of online research and resources to set you up for success. I read (and watched) almost all of them. Their interface is pretty intuitive, and although you have limited control of the layout, it does create an attractive page.

The video component gave me a bit more pause. Indiegogo campaigns do not require a video, but they make it pretty clear that without one, you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot. So I set out to make a pitch video. Now, I've always been a bit creeped out watching myself on video, so I haven't really sought out opportunities to get moving pictures of me onto the web thus far.

Anyway, we shot one sunny Saturday afternoon (using my iPad) and I wound up with 3 fairly clean takes of the entire pitch. The next step was editing, which I did on WeVideo. It actually worked pretty well. I mean, the resulting video is nobody's idea of a cinematic tour de force, but I'm very proud of it. Of course there are going to be many more where that came from, but I presume I'll get quicker and better at it as I go.

Then, linking the video to my shiny new YouTube channel and/or Facebook, laying out updates for all my assorted social media, and prewriting several sets of emails so that when the campaign goes live all I have to do is hit "send." At least that's the hope.

If this post is on the website on Monday, it's all succeeded!


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